Learn wilderness survival or update your outdoor survival knowledge. we offer articles, graphics, pictures, tips, tricks, and other emergency disaster information.
In today's uncertain world, learn wilderness survival to protect you and your family from natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or being lost in the woods. While wilderness survival is not difficult with the proper survival gear, it can be uncomfortable or even deadly if you do not have the knowledge needed to survive an emergency. We have provided on this site, at no charge to our visitors, wilderness survival articles, survival tips, survival tricks, wilderness survival information, and survival graphics to aid in your learning Wilderness survival skills.
Our survival article source is a retired E-8, United States Air Force trained in the field of Life Support. He taught Wilderness survival.
Gary Benton (no helmet or hat) looking at the camera while teaching Water Survival to aircrew members at Cannon, AFB, 1977.
Site is owned and operated by Gary Benton, SMSgt, USAF, Retired. Gary spent over 12 years, of his 26 years, teaching survival and parachuting procedures as a Life Support Instructor. His second career on active duty was in the Industrial/Occupational Safety field as a superintendent.
Learn endurance so during the next natural disaster or terrorist attack you and your family can live! Learn to live with a little survival gear or emergency disaster kits. Endurance is simple, using our skills, anyone can become a survivor! Use our information during your next outdoors project or real emergency and learn survival of the fittest! Use our information and articles to find food and water - save the food from your survival kits.
Some of you may want a gun for survival and it can assit you a great deal. If you need help purchasing firearms, you can look into gun financing.