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Need a few Weight Loss Options?


by Gary Benton, copyright 2010, all rights reserved.

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Attain better health through healthy living - learn to lower body weight and maintain weight loss.

Keep in mind, there is no magical easy cure for being overweight and some of you may have had weight problems all of your life. Usually our eating habits start early, as kids, and they are either good or bad, depending on our parents, but often we're encouraged to clean our plates at each meal. Overeating meals and snacks is, or so we believe, taught in most homes and it's a learned behavior.

Losing weight takes regular exercise, a weight loss program, diet program, and a change in unhealthy living/eating habits. Healthy living habits can be learned, as well as easily attained, but a conscious effort must be made to do so. Culture and eating habits go hand in hand and are not easily pushed aside. Those of us from the south know Southern cooking is high in fat content, most of the foods are deep-fat fired, but changing our diet may be difficult without help.

Wake up and let's get healthy!

Reduce your risk of death from being overweight by changing your life style now, before it's too late. Talk to your doctor about your weight, discuss healthy eating changes, and get an approval before you start any weight loss or exercise programs. Learn to develop a healthy life style and attain better living through healthy living habits!

We are here to assist others, many of whom surgery is not an option, to live healthier lifestyles and to make changes in their lives. Surgery can be very expensive, but that does not mean you cannot change your life. Simple will power may not be enough, so we're here to offer suggestions that may work for you.

Warning: Weight loss attempts are serious life changes that require professional medical attention before starting and constant monitoring during the program. The information provided on this site, is not to be considered as medical advice, nor a substitute for compentent medical assistance during weight loss efforts. The information provided is with the implied understanding that changes in your lifestyle should be attempted only as directed by your physician and/or health-care-professional.

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